Migrant and Minority Ethnic ThinkTank oral presentation to the United Nations Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent.
Sunday 22 January 2023; 10:00AM.
Mr Alfred Abolarin (AA)
Chair: Migrant and Minority Ethnic ThinkTank
Dr Dina Zoe Belluigi (DZB)
Coordinator of Research: Migrant and Minority Ethnic ThinkTank
Oral presentation by Mr Alfred Abolarin:
Thank you for the invitation. We welcome the opportunity to highlight key points from our submission to the working group. I am Alfred Abolarin, I chair
the Migrant and Minority Ethnic ThinkTank and currently convene the NI African and Caribbean Leadership Consortium comprising leaders from over 15 African/Caribbean organisations and businesses in NI. I was also responsible for the establishment of the African and Caribbean Support Organisation Northern Ireland (ACSONI) in 2003 through which the African and Caribbean Chamber of Commerce and Enterprise Foundation was launched in Parliament buildings, Stormont in 2012
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A full written submission of the MME ThinkTank's report is available on written request to mmecouncil@gmail.com